My comment on:
Only a lunatic (i.e. Harper) would take such an unwarranted action of destroying the Canadian Wheat Board. Of which, the net benefit to Canada and all Canadians will be VASTLY negative. Any chance that Brian Mulroney, Director of US agri-giant ADM is behind this lunatic move? Canada's loss will be ADM's gain and others like it. Small farmers will be marginalized and their land acquired on the cheap by larger (foreign) interests, as the collective selling power of the CWB becomes a free for all in the marketplace for wheat, and farmers lose any control over pricing. Any economist worth their salt would predict that the outcome of this will be negative. I thought Stephen Harper was a "trained economist"? Instead he must be a trained anarchist...... or a total ideological fool.
Steamroller Steve strikes again! Just as he did with the gun registry, income trusts, the nuclear safety watch dog. The list goes on........
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Stevie the Steamroller strikes again
Posted by
Brent Fullard
10:08 AM
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If a majority of Western grain farmers wanted to keep the Wheat Board, you'd think rural voters would have elected Lib or NDP MPs instead of all Conservative MPs, eh.
Some twisted logic you have there wilson? Clearly you are a disciple of Stevie the Steamroller (aka lunatic Steve).
Since when did the results of a federal election become a substitute for the results of the actual members of the CWB????
What total BS reasoning on your part!
That's a BINGO! Meanwhile, precious natural resources are sold off at bargain basement prices; Harvest, Primewest, Daylight Energy et al... with nary a squeek from the sociopath.
Latest pending casualty in the ideologue wars; Ford has no issue with selling off Toronto's interest in energy via Hydro and Enerwave.
The main boss Harper is a friend & cohort of Don Cherry , Rob Ford & Chuck Adler ----- nuff said
Dr Mike Popovich
If the CWB is so awesome, then the government shouldn't be getting rid of it, they should be extending it to cover the rest of the country.
Why should Ontario and Quebec farmers be left out? Force them into the CWB!
Hey Anonymous. Your real name must be Garf Challoner (or is that simply a nom de plume?) since as a paid troll you made the very same point on CWB's Facebook page, to which I responded:
CWB applies to WHEAT farmers, as in Canadian WHEAT Board. The Canadian Wheat Board is to Canadian wheat producers what OPEC is to Saudi oil production. Do you think they'll be shutting down OPEC any time soon?
Time for Western Farmers to get off their collective asses and mount a protest to tell Stevie once and for all what they really want. If a protest is ever started it will be ignored by Mr. Stevie Steamroller himself. Just ask Income Trust investors how this process works. We have the inside scoop.
Brent Fullard said...
Some twisted logic you have there wilson? Clearly you are a disciple of Stevie the Steamroller (aka lunatic Steve).
Did I blunder into a kindergarten class here? Grow up.
Since when did the results of a federal election become a substitute for the results of the actual members of the CWB????
Since the CWB rigged the election to favor only current CWB members who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
Brent Fullard said...
Hey Anonymous. Your real name must be Garf Challoner (or is that simply a nom de plume?) since as a paid troll you made the very same point on CWB's Facebook page, to which I responded:
(..with the following barely intelligible rant referencing OPEC, for some reason)
CWB applies to WHEAT farmers, as in Canadian WHEAT Board. The Canadian Wheat Board is to Canadian wheat producers what OPEC is to Saudi oil production. Do you think they'll be shutting down OPEC any time soon?
Ummm...that's nice, Brent. But whhat exactly does it have to do with the question you were actually asked? Why can farmers in Ontario and Quebec and PEI sell their grain to anyone they like, while western farmers will GO TO JAIL to doing the same? Where is the logic here?
Not my problem if you are unable to see the parallel with OPEC. What part of that analogy are you unable to grasp?
As for the CWB applying to Western farmers and not Eastern farmers, that might (read: does) have something to do with the circumstances leading to the formation of the CWB in the first place (read: Dustbowl in the 30's) and the importance that wheat as a crop is to Western farmers relative to Eastern farmers.
Wilson is known on all blog’s as spreading BS and propaganda for her beloved cult leader Harpy. Nothing she writes is of any surprise. I suppose when your hand is in Harpies back pocket, (with his own hand in all Canadians Back pockets) and receiving great perks, its easy for her and anyone with no morals or lack of common sense to do that and voila, we have Wilson, the self proclaimed keeper of the Dictator. True brain washing techniques at its best, with someone like her, simple and easy.
Yep!!!, she was quite for a while but forever lurking in the shadows when she believes her chosen people are on the verge of being shown for what they really are which in turn will also eventually show all citizens what the PM Canadians voted in is really like; and that perhaps, this man and his entourage of misfit Mp’s can no longer be trusted to be the leader of our great country.
In actuality, a mere 40% voted for this party and far to many lax voting Canadians didn’t bother to show up at all the polls.
I am thinking before Harpers mandate is up and all the shenanigans he and his bold MP’s are doing, these no shows will be voting and it will not be for a Bush implant like we currently have in the PMO
Following the arguments here, it seems that Eastern farmers who grow grains covered by the CWB are getting royally screwed by the market instead of being protected by the CWB. So why not do the Eastern farmers a favor force them into the CWB? After all, that can only help them....right?
Brent Fullard said...
Not my problem if you are unable to see the parallel with OPEC. What part of that analogy are you unable to grasp?
The part where the governments of oil exporting non-OPEC nations are thrown in jail for refusing to sell their oil only through OPEC.
As for the CWB applying to Western farmers and not Eastern farmers, that might (read: does) have something to do with the circumstances leading to the formation of the CWB in the first place (read: Dustbowl in the 30's) and the importance that wheat as a crop is to Western farmers relative to Eastern farmers.
Wow, Brent. The 1930's? That's your justification for continuing to discriminate against western farmers today? Weak...
(and just in case everyone has forgotten, the CWB is not being "abolished". Anyone who chooses to can still sell their crop exclusively to the CWB if they wish...they just won't be *forced* to...)
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