For those who may have missed it, Stephen Harper recently went for an unscheduled joy ride on the tarmac of the Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. airport for no apparent reason, other than to amuse himself and/or to show his macho side and to impress those on hand.
Too bad for Steve that this type of random act isn't permitted under the Canadian Air Regulations.
What was Harper's response: "I make the rules".
OKAY, well then here are the rules that you so recklessly disregarded. the rules that we (apparently not You) are governed by:
302.10 No person shall
(a) operate an aerodrome referred to in subsection 302.01(1) unless an airport certificate is issued in respect of that aerodrome;
(b) knowingly use an airport in a manner contrary to a condition set out in the airport certificate;
(c) walk, stand, drive a vehicle, park a vehicle or aircraft or cause an obstruction on the movement area of an airport, except in accordance with permission given
(i) by the operator of the airport, and
(ii) where applicable, by the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station;
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Harper's photo-op stunt broke Canadian Air Regulations.
Posted by
Brent Fullard
8:39 AM
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If that would have been you or I , it would have been curtains , lights-out , hoosegow city , the Paris Hilton for all of us.
He has no respect for the law , no wonder he thinks so little of the rest of us.
Dr Mike Popovich
If he broke the law, he broke the law. He should be charged. right is right, and Harper is a pre-trial criminal.
Hey, it's the Great Gazoo!
Oh puhleaze...
I can't believe some people are trying to make a big deal out of this. A post like this up on makes Liberals look like malcontent losers.
How about you post something postive about Michael Ignatieff instead?
Ok here's something positive about Michael, he doesn't go around breaking the law.
He doesn't go around saying to hell with the law "I make the rules."
That's a positive reflection of Michael don't you think?
Re: "How about you post something postive about Michael Ignatieff instead?"
Any suggestions Issachar?
Malcontent Loser
How do I report a violation?
You can call either the Civil Aviation Communications Centre at 1-800-305-2059 or; the Enforcement Office nearest you:
"Ok here's something positive about Michael, he doesn't go around breaking the law"
Oh really? How about those recent photos during Iggys "Liberal Express" tour featuring him riding a bicycle, on a sidewalk, without a helmet. While helmets are optional, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is against the law. Maybe we should have Iggy charged as well? But of course, Iggys a Liberal so he can do no wrong.
You're assuming the Prime Minister didn't have an airport certificate,
that would allow him the 'full' use of the airstrip, with blanket coverage of what ever 'aerodrome' is required to cary out his duties as PM.
There are pictures of Iffy riding a bike,
without a helmet.
The purpose of this Blog is to deal with the rotten deal given to Income Trust investors. We are not here to name call and point out petty crimes. Stick to the topic. We need to know when the government is going to recant its decision to double tax income trusts. There are a lot of retired people who are going to suffer greatly in 2011 when that decision goes into effect. BB
By-laws (and they ARE by-laws) about bicycles on sidewalks vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Most cases there is no law against it. On the other hand, in the current heightened atmosphere of international fear and paranoia, you can't even JOKE around at an airport... So for our PM to strike out and set such a wonderful example for the rest of us, is just infantile and ridiculous. It reminds one of the Stockwell Day jet-ski incident. Let some brown teenager try the same thing because he saw the PM do it... See what happens then. The PM is setting a bad example - not to mention breaking the law.
And, so what if he is the PM? Rules apply. Apparently rules applied to Helena Guergis... a cabinet minister.
He DID look like the "Great Gazoo"... lol... Very nerdy. Almost like George Dukakis in a tank commander's helmet. Some things just aren't meant to be - like Harper in a cowboy hat.
Seems to me Harper is just living out his teenage fantasies, now that he thinks he's "all grown up". I can imagine his youth - hiding out in his parents' basement playing Dungeons & Dragons, and Ms. Pacman... Such a painful and sheltered life needs an "out".
(cont'd)... and Harper's "out" is acting out juvenile fantasies... Playing rock music with his paid friends... Pretending he's a hockey fan, and might write a book... (someday)...
Never seen such a mid-life crisis in my life...
(There... combined both my comments in order this time... lol...)
Bicycles can be on sidewalks even where they are banned. The tire just has to be 24 inches or smaller. It's to allow for children to learn how to bicycle without being thrown out in 4 lanes of traffic. Adults can ride also as long as tire diameter meets guidelines.
Conservatives are such a lazy unintelligent bunch. Instead of spouting of crap you made up and then looking like a shortest, do some research. Bit I guess those are pesky facts that makes con "brain"s hurt.
except in accordance with permission given
(i) by the operator of the airport, and
(ii) where applicable, by the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station;
Yeah, that's right. It was right in front of you the entire time. You really do need to grow up, Brent. Seriously. Just because you CAN stretch the truth (and your credibility) to the breaking point doesn't mean that you should, does it?
You seem to have all the answers.
So which was it:
(i) by the operator of the airport, and
(ii) where applicable, by the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station;
So which was it:
(i) an impromptu romp around the airport, or
(ii) a pre-arranged act of spontaneity (if there is such a thing?) with all the necessary approvals in place.
Re: "Oh puhleaze...
I can't believe some people are trying to make a big deal out of this. A post like this up on makes Liberals look like malcontent losers."
Are you saying that Ignatieff is a malcontent loser
Iggy to Harper: "We make the rules!"
By DAVID AKIN, Parliamentary Bureau Chief
August 29, 2010
QMI Agency
ELMSDALE, N.S. - On the final day of his cross-country tour, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff thundered over a quip Prime Minister Stephen Harper made at the end of an ATV joyride last week in the Arctic.
Harper, in Tuktoyaktuk, NWT Thursday, raced up and down an airport runway on a borrowed all-terrain vehicle. One reporter asked him if he needed a licence and he replied, “I think I make the rules.” The Liberals are now working that event into Ignatieff’s stump speech.
“Of course he meant it as a joke but I don’t think it was entirely a joke,” Ignatieff told about 45 supporters gathered in a parking lot outside a Tim Horton’s here early Sunday morning.
“That took you right inside the head of Stephen Harper ¬ ŒI make the rules’.
Unless I’m seriously mistaken, we make the rules! The people of Canada make the rules,” Ignatieff said. “We want a prime minister that respects the rules.” Ignatieff is making his way from Halifax to Cape Breton Sunday on the last day of his Liberal Express cross-country tour. Ignatieff is to spend three days this week meeting with his MPs in Baddeck, Nova Scotia.
The Elmsdale stop, Ignatieff said, was his 138th stop in 45 days on a tour that’s covered more than 37,000 kilometres.
For all that travel, though, the Liberals still find themselves trailing the Conservatives in the latest national polls and Ignatieff’s personal popularity still lags far behind the leaders of the other parties in the House of Commons.
Still, one of the objectives for Ignatieff’s summer tour is to re-energize his own party and find more volunteers and financial help.
The Conservatives, for the last three years, have raised twice as much money from twice as many people as all the other parties, including the Liberals, combined.
“Politics is not a spectator sport,” Ignatieff told the crowd here. “We need your help. We are up against the toughest political machine, the nastiest political machine in the history of Canadian politics.”
Interesting to note that if you try this in Grand Theft Auto IV, the cops shoot to kill.
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