2012 Parliamentarian of the Year
Second Runner-up: Rodger Cuzner, Cape Breton—Canso
Posted by
Brent Fullard
8:38 AM
As you well know, the ‘income trust thing’ has grown beyond the question of whether fair taxes are paid on income from trusts. It’s become a giant dirty snowball, and as it rolls forward it accumulates more and more bulk. There are so many unanswered questions. Let's list a few and invite our "Accountable" government and our free press to provide some much-needed answers.
It is said “Trusts are inefficient use of capital. Why?” Two related questions are ‘Whose money is it, anyway?’, and ‘Do Canadian investors have a free and efficient market?’
How can information that is already in the public domain at SEDAR make for a state secret? How could such information be used to harm the Canadian national interest? And who would cause the harm?
Why won’t the Canadian media investigate the falsehoods and misrepresentations told by the Minister of Finance to a committee of Parliament? Was the Minister in contempt of Parliament?
Why won’t the Canadian media report (a) government tax revenues gained from BCE in 2006 when BCE was a corporation to (b) government tax revenues that would be gained in 2007 from BCE, if BCE had been allowed to proceed to a trust, and (c) government tax revenues that will be gained in 2007 from BCE, when BCE ownership has been carved up as 45% foreign ownership and 55% large Canadian pension fund ownership?
Imagine a Parliament made up of 308 people of Elizabeth May's calibre? That would mean no room for the likes of the 307 other jokers who presently occupy these seats.
Well done Elizabeth......
Now if we could just clone you 307 times , Canada would be a much better place.
Dr Mike Popovich
Congrats Elizabeth,... your work is just proof electing the right MP goes a long way for democracy !!
Are you listening Justin !!
Don't worry, Justin's CCCE handlers have it all under control.
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