Thursday, March 4, 2010

Anthem lyrics is a hot button issue!

I have a few suggestions of my own:

O Canada!
Our home and restive land!
True patriot love in all that Harper commands

With grieving hearts we see thee rile
The True North redacted and withheld

From farce to fraud,
O Canada, our corporate guards stand on thee.

God keep our glorious stock options tax free
O Canada, CEOs stand on the backs of thee.


Larry said...

Pretty tacky

Anonymous said...

Wow, who knew a finance dude was so skillful in the art of protest poetry?

You have captured our sentiments exactly for what is going on in this country these days.

Anonymous said...

These guys will stop at nothing to deflect attention from their own incompetence.


Fillibluster said...


Doesn't work, as their incompetence is as inescapable as their "look shiny object over there" intent is obvious


Anonymous said...

Instead of

"On all our sons command"..

"abortions on demand"

Fillibluster said...


Tacky indeed! But you were referring to the government's crass and obvious move to deflect attention away from issues more pressing as being "tacky"......weren't you?

Brent Fullard

Fillibluster said...


We don't usually get losers of your calibre here on this blog. So you are saying that woman do not control their own reproductive rights?

Let me are male?

Brent Fullard

Anonymous said...

Not at all. I am all for pro choice to a point.

It just seems that Liberals are bragging internationally that we are the only civilized nation without any abortion laws at all.

It is not just women that get abortions. Girls do as well.

Do you support selective abortions based on gender?Third trimester abortions?
If so fine.

Personally I would hope a women would have more respect for her bodies than that. But hey I guess that since you think I am a man I am not entitled to an opinion.