In keeping with Kinsella's "sandbox theme", how's this for juvenile behaviour:
Warren Kinsella posts on his blog:
Robocon Con question
March 5th, 2012, 2:18 pm
Federal Liberals did well, in May 2011, in any locale where a post-secondary education institution is located.
Therefore, this logical question: how extensive were vote suppression efforts in those areas? Anyone know?
Trust me, the question isn’t academic.
cheena graham says:
Given that studies have shown that Conservatives/Republicans are not well educated and male, that in itself answers the question, doesn’t it?
Brent Fullard says:
Yeah and based on the same type of irrelevant surveys in the US, we are to believe that Republicans enjoy their sex lives more:
Like who really cares and what does it matter?
Not sure what spurious argument that you are on the verge of constructing Mr. Kinsella, but it sounds pretty lame so far, but I will reserve judgement until I see it in tomorrows Sun.
Maybe Harper will allow you access to his Canada wide voter profile database (complete with voter by voter ethnicity break downs and other forms of socio-religious-economic pigeon-holing) now that it rivals StatsCanada’s, after Harper rendered that agency useless. Just suggesting. No?
Warren says:
Hey, Brent, piss off. Go play in someone else’s sandbox. You’re not welcome in this one.
Brent Fullard says:
You mean I can’t be part of your unpaid research staff? Lucky me!
You give new meaning to “open source” and “short fuse”. LOL
Monday, March 5, 2012
Precious Kinsella wants me to play in someone else's "sandbox"
Posted by
Brent Fullard
3:05 PM
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I was going to dive in with my pail & shovel but I think I will just piss-off right now & save myself the aggravation.
Dr Mike Popovich
Warren has lost his marbles----again.
That's my take too. He wants readers to do his research for him so he can have some data to support his pre-existing theory and then pisses on those whose contributions don't conform. What a peacock.....and a thin skinned one at that. Keep in mind this guy runs a PR firm, Hope he gives better advice to his clients than evidenced by this interchanged. Also, who are his readers doing the pro-bono research for? Warren? The Toronto Sun?, or Warrens' Daisy Group PR firm?
Just a guess, but saying something like "Not sure what spurious argument that you are on the verge of constructing Mr. Kinsella, but it sounds pretty lame so far" probably isn't going to elicit the friendliest of responses.
No doubt you are correct, but that likely means that precious Kinsella flew off the handle with his juvenile "piss off" comment before reading this segment of my post:
"Maybe Harper will allow you access to his Canada wide voter profile database (complete with voter by voter ethnicity break downs and other forms of socio-religious-economic pigeon-holing) now that it rivals StatsCanada’s, after Harper rendered that agency useless. Just suggesting. No?"
Could I have been more mocking and derisive of Harper on the subject at hand?
Meanwhile who goes out to the public at large fishing for data to support some prebaked theory, which is EXACTLY what Warren was engaged in. Just trying to advise him not to make a fool of himself with some spurious theory that's in the oven, but I did say that I would reserve judgment. If a perssn asks for free help, then they should be grateful for what they get. Mine may have been the best advice he gets as he bakes his theory.
And this guy runs a PR firm? Ha!
It seems to me that if one is a blogger and has not been told to "piss off" by Mr. Kinsella, then you haven't been doing your job. Unfortunately, Mr. Kinsella's attitude and approach is the same one that is at the heart of Conservative Party and the same one that is giving our democracy a bad name. The sinking fortunes of the Liberal Party were due to years of arrogance, entitlement, and abuse. We now see the same thing from the Conservative Party. Some Liberals have come to their senses and recognized that such attitudes are unhealthy for democracy. Unfortunately, Mr. Kinsella is not one of these Liberals.
Thanks for that kirbycairo:
I had the same take away.
No wonder the Chretien Liberals and Martin Liberals were at constant loggerheads with one another, if Chretien's main communications guy was so apt to fly off the handle. As such, this guy probably did more to destroy the Liberals franchise than I could ever conceive of doing (not that that's my intent). Don't recall him ever saying a thing about Harper's trust fraud, but then he's part of the Chretien Power Corp wing of the Fiberal Party?
Meanwhile I am no Liberal-proper, just a relatively well informed independent (when compared to the average sleepy Canadian).
This robocall scandal should have nothing to do with those desperately seeking political advantage, but rather about restoring an electoral system that is not so easily and blatantly gamed (by whatever party).
Kinsella didn't have the integrity or balls to post my response to his "piss-off" comment, as I expected he would not, which is why I posted this thread on my "own sandbox" (err blog).
My suppressed comment to Kinsella after being told to piss off was:
You mean I can’t be part of your unpaid research staff? Lucky me!
You give new meaning to “open source” and “short fuse”. LOL
I think your response was appropriate and admirable Brent. Mr. Kinsella restricted my name from his blog responses a couple of years ago and used the exact same phrase with me, ie. "piss-off." It actually took me a while to realize just how offensive he really is and the degree to which he has internalized the "win at all cost," mentality. What saddens me the most is the fact that he is really just indicative of the "A-type" ruthless personality cult that has taken over politics in general. The truth is their whole attitude is anything is ok if it furthers our cause. It is not a long jump from Kinsella to Harper and an even shorter one from Haper to Putin.
I have had a great number of offensive comments posted on this blog of mine, that unlike Warren Kinsella's blog, is not moderated. Hence people's comments are not suppressed in any way, as they are on Kinsella's blog. Some of these comments have been an explicit attack on me as a named person. Never once have I told any of them to "piss off" or anything close to that, since I consider anyone who visits this site to be a "guest", whatever their views or opinion of me might be. That's why I refer in the title of this posting to Warren's being "Precious".
However, there may have been more to Kinsella's cryptic posting calling for readers to supply him with data points to support the theory he was trying to construct, since the words in his post that ended with "Trust me, the question isn’t academic" had an embedded link to a story about the tactics and strategy employed by the GOP in the US to suppress the student vote which is inherently a more democratic leaning demographic. I did not realize it was an embedded link, but now that I am banned from his site, I am unable to acknowledge this.
Not sure than changes anything, but knowing that might have lead me to better understand the nature of Kinsella's fishing expedition. Even so, it hardly warrants warren's warring response (how's that for an alliteration?).
Bottom line: Warren's a thug by any other name. A very unconvincing thug at that along with being a commercially conflicted pundit, given his day job running a PR firm called The Daisy Group.
Maybe a better name would have been The Pansy Group?
Others can decide
In my ignorance I was always of the belief that Warren Kinsella was a true blue Liberal. After reading Kinsella,s come back to Brent on his blog and investigating him further, it,s blatantly obvious where Kinsella,s priorities lie. He,s a Chameleon who changes his outlook according to what,s suits his bottom line. Simply an opportunist = "Follow The Money".
He is the president and co-founder of The Daisy Consulting Group. He represents a wide variety of clients. Many with conflicting ideals. To be a columnist for Quebecor newspaper is a monsterous red flag. Fox News North. Give me a break.
Looks like Brent hit a soft spot and WARRING Kinesella flipped out. Thanks Brent for disclosing the truth once again. It,s much appreciated.
Thanks Don! Like the Liberals themselves (eg Power Corporation), Warren is commercially conflicted.
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