It pains me to say this, but my experience on the income trust matter has proven to me without a shadow of a doubt that Parliament has become Canada’s House of ill-repute.
Meanwhile, it is presided over by its madam, Prime Minister Stephen Hooker.
I actually don’t know who is worse, Prime Minister Stephen Hooker or his side kick Finance Minister who takes pride in the fact that he is descended from pirates, who raided ships in the high seas, stealing money and goods from the innocents.
It really doesn’t matter because they work for the same clientele, namely Canadian corporations and the corporate managers’ agenda, which is contrary to that of Canadians. Meanwhile some of the greatest acts of ill repute often take place in the “Red Chamber”, which is held out to Canadians as being the chamber of sober second thought. Well if that’s the case then how possibly could the Chamber of Sober Second Thought have passed a budget that contained the egregious and falsely premised income trust tax, after the elected members of the House of ill-repute conducted extensive public hearings on income trusts and wrote in their report, the following as their number one recommendation:
“It is imperative that a democratic government be as transparent as possible when levying a new tax so that it can be held to account by its citizens. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the federal government release the data and methodology it used to estimate the amount of federal tax revenue loss caused by the income trust sector.”
Well, to date, this hasn’t happened, even though the Finance Committee required it of this minority government. The majority will has been thwarted by the minority? This is not how democracies are supposed to work. Canada is obviously not a functioning democracy then, for this to have transpired? That’s because the Senate failed to act, in the manner expected and required of them.
They snooze. We lose,
Meanwhile, we have the very persons for whom this policy was enacted, giving blatantly false testimony before the Finance Committee Public Hearings in an attempt to cover their trail and buy cover for the government who clearly acted at their behest. This is something the Bible calls the giving of false witness in the Ten Commandments, as in "Thou shalt not bear false witness".
Here is what the Chief BS Officer of ManuLie tried to hoist on the public, using Canada's House of ill-repute as his venue:
"The notion and the implication that somehow the government on this file is responding to initiatives that originated with corporations is not based on reality."
What an utterly absurd proposition and outright lie. Otherwise what was he there giving testimony for and on whose behalf? A local nunnery?
The senate has disgraced itself by not acting on this recommendation of the elected Members of Parliament. Did the Senate think that this recommendation was some kind of joke or artifice to be ignored? Does the Senate not see their role of government being “held to account by its citizens?” The Senate has allowed Canada’s Parliament to devolve into Canada’s House of ill repute and have allowed themselves to be prostituted by Prime Minister Stephen Hooker in the act of imposing the will of a select number of corporate managers to prevail in a matter that is against the interests of every other tax paying, freedom loving Canadian?
The Senate has allowed Parliament to become Canada’s House of ill repute. I call upon Senator Jerry Grafstein of Ontario and Senator Elaine McCoy of Alberta, who are the two Senators whom I have spoken to on this issue, to call a public hearing into alleged tax leakage in order to determine, whether (1) this notion ever existed in the first place as alleged by Prime Minister Stephen Hooker, and (2) whether tax leakage, in fact, was caused by the many takeovers of trusts that this very policy induced and which are not too late to stop, if something is done quickly and in the interests of all taxpayers......who are the people who fund this entire operation going on in Ottawa. They just didn’t know they were funding a high class brothel.
In addition to restoring some semblance of democracy to Canada, you have about 35 billion other reasons for doing what I am requesting of you, and none for not.
I thank you in advance, as do all people in Canada who care about democracy. I understand that Jim Travers of the Toronto Star has joined the growing chorus of concerned Canadians seeking democracy. I can think of no better place to start than by exposing the biggest scandal this country has ever experienced, namely The Income Trust Fraud: perpetrated by politicians, at the behest of the hired management of corporations, contrary to the interests of their true owners, and widely misreported on by the press, thereby disgracing that profession too.
I guess that only leaves it to politicians and members of the Senate to expose this crime?
Are they up to that task, because I think Canada’s democracy is in need of something more than a light dusting.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Parliament is Canada’s House of ill-repute
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12:54 PM
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No one should be proud to be to have his family associated with pirates.
We laugh at pirates of the 18th century, and we are amused by pirate cartoons and movies. Reality is more like the biker gang that shoots its opponents in the legs and arms before killing them outright.
If you have any doubts about how evil pirates are, speak with a Boat Person Refugee. In our life time, modern pirates did what every pirate has ever done.
When pirates take a ship, they throw the men overboard. If pirates kill the victim before throwing him overboard, that's a blessing in disguise.
As for women hostages, pirates rape them, and then kill or sell them into slavery.
If Jim Flaherty wants to associate his family with such history, that's his choice.
Meanwhile, it is presided over by its madam, Prime Minister Stephen Hooker
I would think that Stephen Whore would be more appropriate
1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute ; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
2: a male who engages in sexual acts for money
3: a venal or unscrupulous person
Number 2 as well after all he did &*%^ us for cash
He certainly pillaged us & all Canadians even tho they don`t seem to realize it.
Now that is the really sad thing as he been allowed to escape with his balls intact while we are carrying ours in a paper sack marked NFG.
It was the crime of the century helped along by the media who had no balls in the first place.
Dr Mike.
Nice to see some adult conversion here,especially the author of the post.How old are you people 10,12,or13? Me thinks 10.
Hey The Rioght is Where its at:
That's the best you could come up with?
Brent Fullard
Right is where it`s at
It` s better to be 10 & question the gov`t with our eyes wide open than to be however old you are & follow like a lemming.
Good God , give us a break.
Dr Mike.
"Hey The Rioght is Where its at:
That's the best you could come up with?"
A typical answer that a 10 year old would give.
You and your organization feels that people have been cheated about this income trust fine! It's your right. Are you right? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know I'm no expert in finance.
Remember Mr.Fullard when you were running as a Liberal candidate during the last election campaign you had challenged Mr.Flaherty in a debate,I think if I'm not mistaken there was cash involved if he would have accepted. Now why don't you and your organization take the same money and challenge the government in a court of law? Humm how about that for a solution? Instead of acting like a adolescent by name calling.
There's another side to the House. It's true the service-providers in the House are perverted and evil, but the House exists as it does because it has customers.
The Speaker and the Opposition have all bot into the evils of the Harper government.
In a true parliamentary democracy, a government non-answer to a question will not be tolerated. "Answer or be suspended from the House", is what the good Speaker will insist.
Lying to parliament is especially serious, if you are a minister. A minister who is found to have lied must resign. Jim Flaherty should have been forced out with his 2007 Budget.
Why isn't the opposition demanding the Speaker perform as did the speakers up to the Trudeau-Muldoomy era?
May I suggest that the opposition doesn't want to raise the bar because they expect someday to benefit from the low standards?
"Right is where it`s at
It` s better to be 10 & question the gov`t with our eyes wide open than to be however old you are & follow like a lemming.
Good God , give us a break.
Dr Mike."
No Dr.Mike I do not follow like a lemming. But I would at least expect some maturity,instead of name calling. Is that too much to ask?
We have tried everything we can think of to have this gov`t show it`s proof of tax leakage to no avail.
It is a simple matter to show us the proof--they refused on the grounds that it was of "economic security" not to do so.
OMG , they ripped us for 35 billion & do not have to show why it was done.
It is like dealing with a kindergarten class here.
They delivered to us 18 highly censored pages & from what we can gather from a team of accountants & even jack Mintz himself is that they mistakenly calculated taxes from RRSP withdrawals to be 0 making RRSPs tax exempt.
We have tried to have everyone & everyone`s dog investigate this thing.
We have inquired about a court case & it seems that they cannot be taken to court.
So what do you suggest--we are open to suggestions to get to the bottom of this thing.
Thanks for any help you can give us.
Dr Mike
The Right is Where it Was At said:
"Now why don't you and your organization take the same money and challenge the government in a court of law? Humm how about that for a solution?"
Hey fool, even 10 year olds know that you can't sue the government for fraudulent legislation or lies uttered in its defense.
Meanwhile, one would think that after running billboards all over the country that read Stephen Harper LIE CONCEAL FABRICATE or full page ads that read JIM FLAHERTY: Your tax leakage analaysis is fraudulent, that there would have been an incoming libel notice served on CAITI by one or other of Prime Minister Stephen Hooker or Jim The Pirate of Finance, wouldn't you? After all the CON party is nothing if not litigious.
To wit: Their reaction to valid charges of The Hooker bribing Cadman.
So please go away with your inane arguments and defense of the indefensible, this blog is for grown-ups and/or children who don't drink Kool-aid.
Brent Fullard
So Mr.Fullard if you can't sue the government for fraudulent legislation or lies uttered in its defense.
I guess your plan "B" would be to bring down to the level of name calling. Well to each it's own.
"So please go away with your inane arguments and defense of the indefensible, this blog is for grown-ups and/or children who don't drink Kool-aid."
Flattery will get you nowhere;) I have much better things to do than to listen to you. Have a good!
I meant to say have a "good day."
The Right was were it was at said"
"I guess your plan "B" would be to bring down to the level of name calling. Well to each it's own."
Close fool.....we were thinking more in the vein of bringing down the Stephen Hooker government and the entire CON apparatus with it. You know, Carney et al.
That's been my personal goal since November 1, 2006, when I came into definitive proof that Prime Minister Stephen Hookers's tax leakage argument is a lie, and therefore a fraud.
That's becoming easier every day......bringing down the Hooker.
Glad that we have been able to do our part in achieving that end.
Unlike most children, we have a very long attention span, which is why we're still at, like it was yesterday that the fraud was first perpetrated.
Lame efforts by the likes of you to dissuade us from our righteous goal, only serve to heighten our resolve.
In that way, you are also doing the right thing as well, even though you may not realise it.
In recognition of that, I suggest you change your moniker to:
"The right is where I'm at, even though I don't realise it"
Have a good day, yourself!
Right where's it's at says "So Mr.Fullard if you can't sue the government for fraudulent legislation or lies uttered in its defense. I guess your plan "B" would be to bring down to the level of name calling. Well to each it's own."
I can say more about that. There are few checks and balances on the power of the PMO to stall and subterfuge. But as we saw in the Muldoomy $300,000 in a brown paper bag, the truth comes out...
In the meanwhile, truth succors the valiant.
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