Today we have Dan Leger writing a column that begins with the line: “DON’T LIKE Stephen Harper? Too bad for you. Like him or not, 2010 is the year he’s likely to cement his hold on power with a majority government.”
Nothing like a good dose of journalistic fatalism and defeatism to usher in the new year, as we are all being told by Dan Leger that we are to dutifully capitulate to Harper like a bunch of mindless drones, whether we like Harper or not, now that Canada is but a shadow of its former democratic self.
What utter drivel and nonsense that I categorically dismiss for the brain-washing propaganda that it is.
Brain washing and propaganda is what Canadian journalists do best. Just look at the number they did on Harper’s behalf on the utter lie called tax leakage, that every journalist in the land (except Diane Francis( was to gutless to expose as the patent lie that it is.
Also, nothing like a good dose of journalistic fatalism and defeatism to usher in fascism. My wife’s great grandfather on the other hand was the owner and publisher of a major daily paper in Berlin in the 30’s and 40’s as well as being the head of an industry organization of a very large number of regional newspapers throughout Germany. He was a major force of opposition to Hitler during this period. His name was Baron J.K. Zweck Von Zweckenburg, They wrote books about him after the war. One was entitled The Press in Chains that devoted an entire chapter to his dogged opposition of Herr Hitler.
I don’t suppose they will be writing any books about Dan Leger any time soon. Nobody buys books about sycophants in the media. They just appoint them to the Senate like Mike Duffy.
2010: the year of the Harper majority
By Dan Leger
January 4, 2010
Halifax Chronicle Herald

DON’T LIKE Stephen Harper? Too bad for you. Like him or not, 2010 is the year he’s likely to cement his hold on power with a majority government.
Does it even matter whether Harper is loved, loathed or feared? Probably not, blah, blah, blah, Dan Leger brainwashing exercise in thought control continued here.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Nothing like a good dose of defeatism to usher in the new year.
Posted by
9:52 AM
Labels: Canadian democracy is broken, Dan Leger. propaganda in the press
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Since people do not like Stephen Harper , then the logical counter is with a reasonable alternative.
Once we get one then Harper will be toast.
I remain hopeful that one may come along soon.
Dr Mike Popovich
PS---I can see an April election -- Harper will try to push into majority territory prior to his massive cuts & tax hikes.
He will wipe the smile off of Dalton McGuinty`s face as he transfers the cost of Healthcare & pensions to the provinces.
A Conservative majority can only happen if the opposition has the balls to vote Non Confidence in the upcoming April Budget, you know Democracy when you see it don't you?
A general election is the ultimate in democratic expression and if the Liberals don't like their prospects they can abstain by sitting on their hands, wondering he hallways or suddenly coming down with the flu.
Iggy has to hang on until January 23, 2012 before he becomes eligible for an MP's gold plated pension. Is that the reason for his recent interest in pensions?
Our boss Mr Harper will set the conditions for his own demise--he has no concern for Iggy or anyone else outside of the fact that a weak Iggy will lead him to a majority.
He will by-pass the necessity for a non-confidence vote by another visit to the GG.
The $555 million donation to Haiti will be his ace in the hole.
Dr Mike popovich
"He will wipe the smile off of Dalton McGuinty`s face as he transfers the cost of Healthcare & pensions to the provinces."
I don't think so, that's what the Liberals did with Chretien as PM and Paul Martin as Finance Minister and they included cuts in transfers for Education, Social Services and they also took $54 Billion Dollars of EI payments too, by the way how can the cost of the CPP be transferred to the provinces?
"He will by-pass the necessity for a non-confidence vote by another visit to the GG."
You should really stop self medicating Dr. Mike...........or it's off to rehab.
Anonymous said...
"He will by-pass the necessity for a non-confidence vote by another visit to the GG."
You should really stop self medicating Dr. Mike...........or it's off to rehab.
Ok , so splain this one to me--we had a fixed election date back in 2008 when the PM went crying to the GG to save his own ass & by doing that he bypassed his own election date law.
Once you do it once , it is a lot easier the next time out.
Please remember that I was a Con supporter for 36 years prior to the trust debacle so I am not a Liberal drone.
Dr Mike
Anonymous said...
"He will wipe the smile off of Dalton McGuinty`s face as he transfers the cost of Healthcare & pensions to the provinces."
I don't think so, that's what the Liberals did with Chretien as PM and Paul Martin as Finance Minister and they included cuts in transfers for Education, Social Services and they also took $54 Billion Dollars of EI payments too, by the way how can the cost of the CPP be transferred to the provinces?
January 4, 2010 10:37 AM
Oh come on now , I live in Ontario & was a supporter of Mike the Knife Harris while he was in power & I know how things work here--I watched Jimmy slice & dice & transfer costs to the municipalities.
There are only three ways to get out of debt , cut your spending , raise more money , or make someone else pay.
Jim has already said he won`t raise taxes & he won`t cut programs (he will suspend cost increases which is good) , so he needs to transfer the cost out of Ottawa.
So look out Dalton , here it comes.
Dr Mike Popovich
fixed election date-is for a majority government, when a minority government can't get legislation through and Parliament stagnates the democratic thing to do is to go to an election.
Dan Leger is just one of those that I consider to be a member of the "Propaganda Arm" for Harper and his Cons! That is outlined by Mel Hurtig in his analysis about the Canadian Media!
Will E.
Jim has already said he won`t raise taxes & he won`t cut programs (he will suspend cost increases which is good) , so he needs to transfer the cost out of Ottawa.
You're dreaming in technicolor Dr. Mike.
Anonymous said...
Jim has already said he won`t raise taxes & he won`t cut programs (he will suspend cost increases which is good) , so he needs to transfer the cost out of Ottawa.
You're dreaming in technicolor Dr. Mike.
The unfortunate thing is that I was a PC member during the Harris / Flaherty years & had close ties with the party at that time---believe me , the cost will be transferred.
If I am wrong & somehow Flaherty can pull cash out of thin air , I will be the first to be thrilled.
Here`s hoping I am wrong & you are right.
Dr Mike Popovich
You get the idea.
Send it to Leger.
Mr. Fullard
I don't care what you think of me or my column, but you have no right to republish it on your blog. You are running the entire item, which is a gross violation of copyright. You do not have permission to re-publish that column or any other material from The Chronicle Herald. This is theft.
Please remove the proprietary material immediately.
thanks for your attention to this
Dan Leger
Director of News Content
The Chronicle Herald
Dan Leger:
Which part is the “proprietary” part. The part written by the PMO?
Please advise.
Meanwhile I have complied with your inane request as best as I can by abbreviating the article and linking it to your website with the words:
"blah blah blah."
Is that acceptable?
Brent Fullard
Too bad all the Cdn skiers are falling.
Harper's last year on stage.
What is this I see b4 me?
You are not kidding! He is muzzling you! How can he do that? Every article that is public from the Star, Globe, CBC and so forth, can be shared on Facebook! How is this any different?...what is his problem?
Will E.
Will E:
Actually his point is valid. I can not simply distribute or broadcast someone else’s work in its entirety, as I did. I can however “sample” from his work to make my point. That is a concept in law known as sampling.
I am surprised this Leger guy is so acutely concerned about “theft”.
How about the theft of $35 billion of Canadians savings based on Harper’s lie about tax leakage. That seems to have evaded his acute sensitivity about theft? Maybe his concerns are only self concerns. Doesn’t surprise me coming from someone who would write a wishful thinking article/piece of propaganda entitled: “2010: the year of the Harper majority"
In French, Leger....means light.
Right, Dan Leger is a light weight in the news circle.
He should be honoured when someone takes time to copy his light work.
Wow---Dan reads our blog--alright.
A bit touchy I see.
Must have hit a little too close to home.
Dr Mike
Actually other sycophants buy books about sycophants that are sycophantic about the same thing they are.
So who knows we might get a whole line of sycophantic books about Harper and his love of his personal sycophants.
Real journalism is suppressed by the media moguls. There is only commercialism in our press and television...with perhaps the exception of the CBC which Harper if given the chance will deep 6 it right after the next election.
John Mackintosh
God help us all!!
Carole Young
In France French it can also mean 'thoughtless'.
Qui manque d'egards (pour les autres).
Taken lightly of course...;>)
Perhaps he's trying to pull off some more Harper legerdemain!
Hold on to your wallets, everyone.
If I wrote something as inane as this article, I wouldn't want it distributed too far and wide either
Of course, I wouldn't have written the inane article in the first place.
Calgary Voter
Calgary Voter:
I think you've hit the nail on the head! The embarrassment factor of his piece probably explains about 99.9% of his reasons for wanting this propaganda type nonsense of his expunged from the public record.
Now he's a schmuck on two fronts.
Brent Fullard
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